Blawnox Borough Centennial Celebration

About The Centennial Celebration

The Borough of Blawnox was incorporated on April 13th, 1925. In 2025 the Borough will be celebrating it's 100th Centennial Anniversary! To mark this occasion, the Blawnox Centennial Committee is organizing a fun-filled day to celebrate the storied past, exciting present, and bright future of the greater Blawnox Community. On SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2025, we will host a day-long celebration at the Blawnox Community Park. We’ll have games, live entertainment, family activities, food and drink and more, culminating in an evening fireworks show to commemorate the Borough’s 100th year.

But we can’t do it alone. We need your help! Please consider supporting Blawnox’ s biggest celebration ever with a tax-deductible financial donation to help fund the planning, promotion, and production of the event. Any amount is appreciated - no gift is too small! Visit to make a monetary contribution.

Centennial Fundraisers

The Blawnox Centennial will be a very special event celebrating our entire community and we hope you will join us to make it as memorable as possible, so please SAVE THE DATE! We invite you to share this information with friends, family, and neighbors with a connection to Blawnox. And, if possible, help by donating or supporting one of the many fundraisers we've put together. Proceeds from each fundraiser will directly benefit the planning, promotion, and production of the September 2025 event.

Centennial Ornaments - These commemorative ornaments were commissioned in recognition of Borough of Blawnox 100th Anniversary. They were produced by Wendell August Forge. Each solid metal ornament comes in a cardboard Wendell Forge box with a plastic front and includes a picture of the logo on the ornament and a card with our history of Blawnox on the back. These would make great gifts for Christmas, birthdays, or as a memento of Blawnox. Ornaments are available for shipping or in person pickup. To purchase, click here.

Memorial Brick Paver - The Blawnox Centennial Committee is taking action to revitalize the Veterans monument in the Borough of Blawnox. Families of veterans who were born, raised, or lived in the Borough at some point can purchase a memorial brick for $100. This brick will include the veteran's name, branch of service, and years of service. The existing monument has been cleaned, and new lighting has been added. The first round of memorial bricks have been placed, as well as new, blank pavers. We would like to extend our gratitude to Overbecks Nursery located in Blawnox for providing time and labor, and to Building Products of Sharpsburg for donating all the new pavers. For more information on how to order your Memorial Brick Paver, please click here.

Get Involved

Please contact the Borough office if you would like information about event planning, volunteer opportunities, or would like to coordinate a fundraising effort.